2020 | The SEEP Network
Cette note de synthèse a été éclairée par des études de cas d’IMF ainsi que par un examen approfondi de toute la documentation du programme pert…
2020 | The SEEP Network
Ce document a été élaboré à partir d’un examen approfondi de la documentation du programme et d’entretiens avec le SEEP Network, l’Associat…
2020 | The SEEP Network
Ce document explique l’approche virtuelle utilisée pour élaborer la synthèse d’apprentissage de fin de programme en raison du confinement dû à la…
2020 | The SEEP Network
This learning brief explains the virtual approach used to develop the end of program learning synthesis due to the COVID-19 lockdown in Rwanda and travel restrictions in many other countries.…
2020 | The SEEP Network
This learning brief has been informed by an in-depth review of the program documentation and interviews with The SEEP Network, the Association of Microfinance Institutions Rwanda (AMIR), a…
2020 | The SEEP Network
This learning brief has been informed by MFI case studies as well as an in-depth review of all the other relevant program documentation. In addition, it draws on the Key Informant Intervie…
2020 | SAMN
This report summarizes Client Protection (CP) policies and practices in six microfinance markets in South Asia: Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The findings in this…
2020 | The SEEP Network
Cette note de synthèse commence par un aperçu des principes de protection des clients, du programme de certification de protection des clients, et du processus de certification Smart. Elle m…
2020 | The SEEP Network
This learning brief starts with an overview of the client protection principles, the client protection certification program, and the certification process. It then showcases the experiences o…
2019 | USAID
Digital financial services (DFS) provide health programs with opportunities to accelerate progress toward global health goals and outcomes. By leveraging DFS, United States Agency for Internat…
2019 | The SEEP Network & Genesis Analytics
Le présent document se base sur les leçons tirées à l’occasion du voyage d’étude réalisé par une délégation rwandaise…
2019 | The SEEP Network & Genesis Analytics
This learning brief begins by providing an overview of the key players in the Azerbaijan microfinance sector, followed by more detail on the approaches used by AMFA to build its sustainability…
2019 |
Background Fintech is failing to empower women in ways that foster greater gender balance – but we can change that. Fintech innovations such as mobile and agent banking promise to create…
2018 | European Microfinance Platform
The Financial Inclusion Compass 2018 presents the findings of the inaugural e-MFP Survey of Financial Inclusion Trends, designed and implemented over spring and summer 2018. The survey was mix…
2018 |
The Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice (COP) provides CGAP facilitated platforms to share experiences, identify key challenges, document and discuss emerging good practice…
2018 |
Convert Time Zone >> Digital technology is key to expanding access to financial services for women. Digital financial services can help improve women’s access to and control over i…
2018 | The SEEP Network
Jhale Hajiyeva, Executive Director of the Azerbaijan Micro-finance Association, discusses the association's best practices About the Study Tour As part of the Responsible Finance through Local…
2018 | The SEEP Network & Genesis Analytics
Ce rapport présente les enseignements tirés de la Conférence internationale sur la finance responsable et inclusive (ICRIF), organisée par l’Association des i…
2018 | The SEEP Network & Genesis Analytics
Le présent document décrit les observations et les leçons partagées par les participants au Sommet régional des Réseaux (RNS), qui s’est tenu le…
2018 |
The Caribbean Microfinance Alliance (CMFA) has established its annual Forum as a powerful medium recognized within the Caribbean region as a platform where regional industry players engage ke…
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