The Markets in Crises Community of Practice (MiC) provides a forum for practitioners engaging with markets in emergency and recovery contexts to share
ideas, experience, resources and learning with the aim of improving market-based programming.
Hosted by the SEEP Network,
the Markets in Crises Community of Practice (MiC) is a communityof over 2,500 practitionersengaging with markets in crisis contexts.Our members hail from over 110 countries, representing NGOs, multilateral agencies, academics, funders, and the private
sector.We share ideas, experiences, resources and learning with the aim of improving market-based programmingin emergency, recovery and development contexts.
Join the Community
The MiC is a community of practice open toanyone interested in market-based programming in emergency, recovery and development contexts.
Since its inception in 2014, MiC has observed a surge of interest
in market-based programming, evidenced through its growing membership, participation in learning events, and usage of
tools developed by its members.
With support from USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, MiC is embarking on a
three-year plan (2021-2023) to expand its scope, scale and impact.
This will be achieved by:
Merging the MiC and EMMA Toolkit online platforms, and developing a
consolidated, knowledge management platform for market analysis and market-based programming in
emergency, recovery and development contexts
Hosting an annual in-person networking meeting
Hosting at least three virtual learning events per year
Developing one knowledge product per year
Amplifying the collective voice of its members – through SEEP communication channels, industry events and engagement opportunities – to
influence policy and practice
Developing an offering of fee-based services to ensure the sustainability of the community of practice
The Markets in Crises Community of Practice is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID).