The Minimum Economic Recovery Standards are the internationally recognized consensus on best practices for building economic resilience for crisis-affected communities.
The MERS handbook offers tools and guidance that support practitioners, multi-lateral stakeholders, local market actors, governments and donors to design, implement and evaluate economic
recovery activities that build resiliency for vulnerable populations in the wake of a crisis. The standards draw from the accumulated experience of the world’s leading humanitarian
agencies and economic development practitioners. The third and most current edition of the MERS represents the expertise of over 90 organizations and 175 technical professionals.
With support from the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, SEEP is building a cohort of MERS focal points that work collectively to promote the application of
the MERS around the world. The Focal Point program is designed to support a network of MERS champions who serve
as SEEP-endorsed MERS trainers, technical experts and advocacy partners.
Interested in becoming a MERS trainer? We have developed training materials available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Learn more about the available materials, including a MERS Fact Sheet, PowerPoint modules and case studies.