Our wealth of tools and expertise has helped associations accelerate their development, expand and improve their product and service offerings, and contribute to industry-wide
Our association services have led to measurable improvements in organizational sustainability, the quality of demand-driven services, increased understanding and adherence to industry-wide
performance standards, and the adoption of new products and innovations.
The SEEP Network derives its technical approach from the collective experience of its membership and by facilitating ongoing learning and exchange. SEEP utilizes a diverse and experienced
group of experts combined with well-tested approaches to training, technical assistance, and knowledge exchange, including core staff/consultants, member experts, and peer learning.
What is SEEP's Role?
We play a powerful role in advancing the industry by focusing on the growth and development of association leadership. SEEP's support to associations has spanned over 20 years and has
included several large multi-country initiatives. Currently, with funding from Mastercard Foundation, SEEP is heading up the
Responsible Finance through Local Leadership & Learning Initiative in Rwanda.
Our organizational planning helps translate an organization’s vision and mission into specific goals, and aid in offering demand-driven products and services that improve an
institution’s position in the market.
SEEP can assist associations with financial planning, developing financial viability strategies, costing products and services and developing financial performance objectives and monitoring
Through frequent review of member feedback, associations can identify and prioritize members’ needs, measure their responsiveness to members, and determine areas for expansion.