2021 | CARE
This case study examines how the CARE teams in Ghana, Somlia, and Lebanon used the MERS Dashboard Tool in their programming.
2021 | The SEEP Network
Check out this TEDx style video that discusses bridging the humanitarian-development divide using the Minimum Economic Recovery Standards (MERS).
2021 | Evidence Consortium on Women’s Groups
Developed by the Evidence Consortium on Women’s Groups, this brief presents emerging evidence from studies in diverse African contexts— with a deep dive into Nigeria and Uganda&mda…
2021 | Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities MEAL Learning Hub
MEAL and faith in the development and humanitarian sector
Faith actors have long been involved in initiatives aimed at improving the wellbeing
and health of communities. While much of…
2020 | Markets in Crises Community of Practice
2020 | The SEEP Network
Cette note de synthèse a été éclairée par des études de cas d’IMF ainsi que par un examen approfondi de toute la documentation du programme pert…
2020 | The SEEP Network
Ce document a été élaboré à partir d’un examen approfondi de la documentation du programme et d’entretiens avec le SEEP Network, l’Associat…
2020 | The SEEP Network
Ce document explique l’approche virtuelle utilisée pour élaborer la synthèse d’apprentissage de fin de programme en raison du confinement dû à la…
2020 | The SEEP Network
This learning brief explains the virtual approach used to develop the end of program learning synthesis due to the COVID-19 lockdown in Rwanda and travel restrictions in many other countries.…
2020 | The SEEP Network
This learning brief has been informed by an in-depth review of the program documentation and interviews with The SEEP Network, the Association of Microfinance Institutions Rwanda (AMIR), a…
2020 | The SEEP Network
This learning brief has been informed by MFI case studies as well as an in-depth review of all the other relevant program documentation. In addition, it draws on the Key Informant Intervie…
2020 | George Muruka & Aisha Rahamatali (CARE International)
In 2019, SEEP convened a Peer Learning Group (PLG) comprised of both government and civil society social protection programs to explore the Role of Savings Groups in Supporting Graduation from…
2020 | Erin Lewis (The BOMA Project) & Yéréfolo Mallé (Trickle Up)
In 2019, SEEP convened a Peer Learning Group (PLG) comprised of both government and civil society social protection programs to explore the Role of Savings Groups in Supporting Graduation from…
2020 | Aisha Rahamatali & George Muruka (CARE International)
In 2019, SEEP convened a Peer Learning Group (PLG) comprised of both government and civil society social protection programs to explore the Role of Savings Groups in Supporting Graduation from…
2020 | Joanna Ledgerwood (SEEP Network)
Over the last 25 years, development actors have trained approximately 700,000 Savings Groups, comprised of 14 million members, across 75 countries. Despite the seemingly large number of Saving…
2020 | The SEEP Network
Over the last 25 years, Savings Groups have emerged as a key financial inclusion strategy in underserved markets, and development organizations have formed about 700,000 groups composed of 14…
2020 | Anne Marie van Swinderen (L-IFT)
Over the last 25 years, Savings Groups have emerged as a key financial inclusion strategy in underserved markets, and development organizations have formed about 700,000 groups composed of 14…
2020 | The SEEP Network
Savings Groups are one of the most consistent and sustainable platforms for community development worldwide. Currently, there are more than 15 million members in Savings Groups in more than 73…
2020 | Mark Staehle (SEEP Network)
The SEEP Network defines digital savings groups (DSGs) as “technologies and systems that digitize savings group records, procedures or transactions.” What is most exciting about th…
2020 | The SEEP Network
Cette note de synthèse commence par un aperçu des principes de protection des clients, du programme de certification de protection des clients, et du processus de certification Smart. Elle m…
2020 | Elena Ferrari (UNHCR)
The case study explores, from a personal perspective, the relationship between Protection and Livelihoods interventions in a refugee context in Chad. The study uses three standards from the Mi…
2020 | Nada Omeira (UNHCR)
This case study lays out the plan for a participatory market system analysis in the Sahrawi refugee camps in southwest Algeria. The analysis is informed by the guidance articulated in the Mini…
2020 | The SEEP Network
This learning brief starts with an overview of the client protection principles, the client protection certification program, and the certification process. It then showcases the experiences o…
2020 | The SEEP Network
These 10 tips are a product of the SEEP Network’s peer learning group on Savings Groups for Refugees – composed of representatives from the Danish Refugee Council, the Fletcher Sch…
2019 | Ashley Wheaton (SEEP Network)
Worldwide, about 80 percent of Savings Group members are women (SAVIX 2019). Gendered participation rates in Savings Groups mirror those of the microfinance sector, which set a precedent of em…
2019 | Mansi Anand (Oxfam), Anna Mecagni (Women for Women International) & Maryam Piracha (PRISMA)
There is increasing interest from economic programs to better understand, measure and capture agency across interventions in order to more deliberately pursue women’s economic empowermen…
2019 | Katherine Rickard (Nathan Associates)
As Savings Groups increasingly serve as a pillar of gender-focused programs, there is a need to better understand the pathways between Savings Groups and women’s empowerment. The purpose…
2019 | Sukhwinder Arora and Ian Robinson (Arora Associates)
What role do governments play in protecting Savings Groups as financial service providers and their members as financial consumers? This brief paper assesses emerging government efforts to reg…
2019 | Benjamin S. Allen, Ph.D., and marc bavois (Catholic Relief Services)
Over the last two decades, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has promoted Savings Groups – referred to as Savings and Internal Lending Communities, or SILCs – reaching about 3.8 milli…
2019 | marc bavois and Benjamin S. Allen, Ph.D. (Catholic Relief Services)
For millions of financially excluded individuals worldwide, Savings Groups offer the opportunity to save and borrow small amounts of cash in a convenient, accessible and generally safe manner.…
2019 | Katherine Rickard and Amalia Johnsson (Nathan Associates)
This learning brief examines the pathways between Savings Groups and women’s empowerment, the evidence with respect to various outcome areas, and how women’s empowerment outcomes c…
2019 | The SEEP Network & Genesis Analytics
Le présent document se base sur les leçons tirées à l’occasion du voyage d’étude réalisé par une délégation rwandaise…
2019 | The SEEP Network
This case study shows how the MERS were applied to a 2018 market study conducted by Catholic Relief Services, following displacement in Congo-Brazzaville. In May of 2016, conflict triggered by…
2019 | The SEEP Network
In December 2018, Global Communities began the formation of a multi-country team of twelve MERS ambassadors through a SEEP-facilitated MERS training event for selected individuals from across…
2019 | The SEEP Network
This case study focuses on Bonyan, a local NGO based in Syria, and how they adapted the MERS to help with market-based program interventions. In early 2018, the SEEP Network partnered with the…
2019 | The SEEP Network & Genesis Analytics
This learning brief begins by providing an overview of the key players in the Azerbaijan microfinance sector, followed by more detail on the approaches used by AMFA to build its sustainability…
2018 | Fiona Jarden and Aisha Rahamatali (CARE International)
Savings Groups are community-based financial service providers that deliver basic financial services to millions of members in underserved markets worldwide. Traditionally, the promotion of Sa…
2018 | Benjamin S. Allen, Ph.D. (Catholic Relief Services)
This state of practice report provides a comprehensive overview of the inclusion of vulnerable populations in Savings Groups. Over the past 25 years, development organizations have mobilized m…
2018 | Ashley Wheaton (The SEEP Network)
The purpose of this risk assessment is to identify and assess the main risks that affect Savings Groups – based on the frequency and severity of negative outcomes – and ultimately…
2018 | Benjamin S. Allen, Ph.D. (Catholic Relief Services)
This state of practice report provides a comprehensive overview of the inclusion of vulnerable populations in Savings Groups. Over the past 25 years, development organizations have mobilized m…
2018 | Nisha Singh (The SEEP Network) and Anam Parvez Butt, Claudia Canepa (Oxfam)
Insights from a Practitioner Learning Group This document is a summary of the process and insights from the participants of a 2017 Practitioner Learning Group (PLG) on “Shifting Social N…
2018 | The SEEP Network & Genesis Analytics
Le présent document décrit les observations et les leçons partagées par les participants au Sommet régional des Réseaux (RNS), qui s’est tenu le…
2018 | The SEEP Network & Genesis Analytics
Ce rapport présente les enseignements tirés de la Conférence internationale sur la finance responsable et inclusive (ICRIF), organisée par l’Association des i…
2018 | The SEEP Network & Genesis Analytics
This report provides lessons learned from The International Conference on Responsible and Inclusive Finance (ICRIF), hosted by the Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR), ai…
2018 | The SEEP Network
Un mécanisme de résolution des plaintes (MRP), qui peut aussi etre appele mécanisme de recours ou médiation, désigne un système de collecte, de r&eacu…
2018 | The SEEP Network & Genesis Analytics
This document captures the experiences and lessons shared by participants during the SEEP Regional Network Summit, held on March 20th, 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda, about their own experiences promo…
2018 | The SEEP Network
والمنظمات الحكومية الدولية ، والسكان المحليين والإدارات الحكومية لتعزيز فعالية ونوعية المساعدات الاقتصادية المقدمة ، وبالتالي إحداث فرق كبير في حياة الأشخاص المتأثرين بالكوارث. يقدم MERS إرشاد…
2018 | The SEEP Network
El MERS ofrece herramientas para agencias humanitarias, organizaciones intergubernamentales, poblaciones locales y departamentos gubernamentales para mejorar la efectividad y calidad de la asi…
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