May 16
Our EMMA Analysis Isn't Quite Answering Our Questions.... Can Anybody Help?
Webinar | The SEEP Network
May 16
Recent attempts by WASH and Shelter actors to use common humanitarian market assessment tools are highlighting gaps in the tools' application. Therefore, these tools are not providing impactfu…
May 29
Up to the Standards? Humanitarian Standards for Market Assessment and Analysis
Webinar | The SEEP Network
May 29
Market assessment (collection of market data) and market analysis (analysis of this data to inform decision making) are crucial components of humanitarian response. Humanitarian standards for…
July 19
Supporting Markets to Recover: Tips and Tricks from the Community of Practice 1
Webinar | The SEEP Network
July 19
Have you heard about market support programming but don’t quite understand what it is or how to put it into practice? The webinar will introduce participants to the Market Support Tip Sh…
July 19
Supporting Markets to Recover: Tips and Tricks from the Markets in Crisis Community of Practice
Webinar | The SEEP Network
July 19
Background Have you heard about market support programming but don’t quite understand what it is or how to put it into practice? The webinar will introduce participants to the Market Sup…
Aug 2
Amplifying our Impact: The Pivot to Market Systems Approaches
Washington, DC | ACDI/VOCA
Aug 2
What is market systems development, and how does it change how we work? How does it change how we engage, manage and learn? Achieving sustainable impact at scale is the objective of most deve…
Sept 24 - Oct 5
Value Chain Development: Moving from Analysis to Action
Turin, Italy | ITC - ILO
Sept 24 - Oct 5
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are the engines of our economies. Research shows that up to 80% of all jobs in emerging economies are created by MSMEs. Promoting MSME develo…
Oct 1 - 3
2018 SEEP Annual Conference
Arlington, VA | The SEEP Network
Oct 1 - 3
This flagship event offers a platform for attendees to share experiences of common challenges and collectively explore opportunities for greater impact. The conference has been held for more…
Dec 4
Markets In Crises Community of Practice Networking Event
Amman, Jordan | Mercy Corps and The SEEP Network
Dec 4
The SEEP Network and Mercy Corps are pleased to share an invitation to a Markets In Crises Community of Practice networking event. The event is at the Kempinski Hotel in Amman from 4-6 pm on…
Dec 6 - 11
Training of Trainers: Enhancing Quality & Accountability to Affected Populations
Bangkok, Thailand | Sphere
Dec 6 - 11
Are you a Quality and Accountability practitioner? If yes, this is your opportunity to ensure humanitarian and development quality and accountability are strengthened and your skills and stan…
Jan 15
Legal and Structural Barriers to Livelihoods for Refugees
Webinar | The SEEP Network
Jan 15
11:30 am - 12:30 pm EST Convert Time Zone >> This webinar explores the legal and structural barriers to refugees’ entry into markets in two contexts. Oxfam will explore findings f…
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Website Photos: © mari matsuri