Only SEEP Network members in good standing may submit a session proposal. If you are interested in joining our global network of more than 100 diverse
organizations, we encourage you to apply for membership. If you are unsure as to the status of your membership, please inquire at
SEEP member organizations may submit multiple session proposals for consideration. Each proposal must be submitted separately and meet the criteria described in this document.
Only staff from SEEP member organizations may serve as Session Chairs.
A staff member from a SEEP member organization can only chair one session, however s/he may contribute to another session.
Please note that selected sessions will be assigned a 90-minute slot on either Tuesday, Oct. 2 or Wednesday, Oct 3.
Diversity of Perspectives
A person not affiliated with a SEEP member may join a session as a speaker, but cannot serve as Session Chair. For example, speakers may be from a research or academic organization, a
commercial firm, a donor agency, investor, local NGO, fellow member organization, or other entity. There may be a maximum of four (4) speakers per session,
including the moderator, who also may speak or be otherwise substantively involved. The Session Chair does not necessarily have to be one of the session speakers, but must be present during
the session.
SEEP expects to have limited funds to cover a portion of travel expenses, hotel stay and registration for a selection of session participants who are unable to cover
all the costs associated with their participation in the Annual Conference. Only one participant per session may be nominated for a scholarship. Preference will be
given to participants from non-OECD countries and to those who have not received a scholarship for the past two Annual Conferences. Please understand that there are no guarantees that a
scholarship will be awarded. Participants should not be selected on the expectation that a scholarship will be forthcoming.
Registration fees for DC-based experts
Given the conference location, Session Chairs may seek to include an expert from a non-member organization in the Washington, DC area who would only participate in the session, then leave.
Despite the brevity of their conference participation, these experts nevertheless are required to pay a one-day registration fee. They are welcome to participate in all conference sessions on
the day they are speaking.