Aug 14, 2018 | by Elin Cohen (Independent Consultant) and Lis Meyers, Caroline Rubin (Nathan Associates)
Women are confronted by regulations and policies restricting their labor force participation. These policies impact their ability to earn an income and have decision-making power, as well as impacting the economy as a whole. This report examines legal and regulatory barriers that impede women from entering and or remaining in formal employment. Prepared by Nathan Associates under USAID’s Leadership in Public Financial Management II (LPFM II) project, this report includes promising policies, approaches, and recommended interventions for countries to address these issues as well as the economic impact of addressing the various employment barriers. Following a broader literature review and stakeholder consultations, the report’s barriers of focus include women’s ability to seek wage employment, employment restrictions, occupational licenses, employment discrimination, sexual harassment, and enabling parents to work. The report draws heavily on the 2018 World Bank Women, Business and the Law data and features cases of successful interventions from developing countries worldwide. Each section includes relevant recommendations that developing countries can undertake to remove these barriers and promote women’s wage employment, including areas for further research and investment.
Categories: Global Women and Girls Women's Economic Empowerment Women's Economic Empowerment Resource Library English Resources
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