May 17, 2021 | by
Funding for Eswatini Financial Service Providers
Grameen Foundation, through funding from the USAID W-GDP WEER Project, is excited to announce the launch of its Eswatini Digital Financial Services (DFS) Innovation Prize! The DFS Innovation Prize will provide up to $40,000 in matching funds to financial service providers in Eswatini to pilot or scale up financial products and services that meet the needs of women entrepreneurs. The goals of the DFS Innovation Prize are to:
The DFS Innovation Prize is open to any financial product that serves and supports women clients, but we prioritize products that utilize DFS or digital platforms and tools because of their potential to reach underserved rural women at scale.
Organizations wishing to apply should submit concept note proposals to before 1 June 2021, using the Application Form and budget sheet provided below.
Any legally registered Eswatini institution providing financial products/services in Eswatini is eligible to apply. The applicant has to be licensed and conform to all regulations relevant to their operations.
This includes commercial banks, MFIs, Micro-deposit taking Institutions, Savings and Credit Cooperatives (Stokvels, SACCOs and others), Finance Trusts, Development Credit Providers, Self Help Groups and Facilitating Organizations, Input Finance Provides, Asset Finance Providers, Mobile Network Operators and any other legally registered financial service providers.
Funded projects will run for 12 months.
The DFS Innovation Prize is seeking applications that pilot or scale up financial products and solutions in any of the following solution areas:
Categories: Announcements SEEP Marketplace 2021 Marketplace
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