Aug 27, 2019 | by
CRS' Humanitarian Response Department is organizing a regional training on MARKit version 2, scheduled to take place on August 27th-30th in Abidjan, Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. This training is one of the activities included in the roll-out plan of the revised MARKit. The training is targeted primarily to CRS staff, but we will welcome a few external participants. Pending funding, a TOT training open to all humanitarian organizations is expected during fiscal year 2020. This TOR provides useful information on the background of the MARKit revision, training objectives, profile of participants, logistics, visa application process, and an overview of the training agenda.
The MARKit project was initiated in 2008 by CRS and CARE, in collaboration with the LRP Learning Alliance and with funding from USAID TOPS to develop a harmonized approach to market monitoring. CRS took the leadership to finalize the draft and publish the manual in 2015. After piloting the tool in several countries, CRS identified gaps and barriers to the use of MARKit and therefore recognized the need to revise the manual.
A two-year MARKit mentorship program was launched in 2016. The main objectives of this program were to provide remote and in-country assistance to country programs using MARKit and to document lessons learned through the process with the perspective of a revision of the MARKit manual. At the end of the program, the CRS MARKit team gathered additional evidence to inform the revision of the manual. Other important steps in the revision process included a MARKit revision workshop held in Lomé, Togo in September 2018; development of the revised manual; and review by internal and external market professionals, The publication of the revised manual is expected by the end of FY19. The proposed training is included in the roll-out plan of the revised MARKit tool.
Categories: Event 2019 Events
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