Together to End Violence Against Women (TEVAW) is an intimate partner violence prevention research and learning initiative designed using a socio-ecological lens to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) through a set of three coordinated activities: 1) savings and lending groups, locally referred to as LIMCA; 2) male peer group workshops; and 3) community dialogues. TEVAW was implemented in Northern Tanzania by the Bantwana Initiative of World Education, Inc. (WEI/ Bantwana) and Boston University’s Center for Global Health and Development (BU).
The endline analysis indicates positive changes in attitudes and lower reporting of violence in the last 3 months by both men and women in the intervention groups compared to those in the comparison group. Men in the intervention groups had lower odds of justifying use of IPV than in the comparison group. Men in the intervention groups had lower odds of perpetrating IPV compared to men in the comparison group. Women in the intervention groups reported lower levels of violence than women in the comparison group. There was no change in the attitudes on gender norms and relations as measured by the GEM scale.
Women and Girls Women's Economic Empowerment Women's Economic Empowerment Resource Library English Resources