Technical Note: Getting to Win-Win in the Ecotourism Value Chain: Lessons from Central America
Sep 30, 2008 | by Lendell Foan, Kim Jessen
There is an extensive body of knowledge on the importance of win-win relationships in value chains. This technical note explores the unique lessons learned by key actors along the tourism value chain, noting where this differs from relationship building in product value chains. The note highlights key recommendations in building win-win relationships in the tourism value chain, illustrated by five practitioner organizations from Central America: the Rainforest Alliance, Mesoamerica Travel, Vivamos Mejor, Finca Esperanza Verde, and La Ruta Moskitia. These organizations participated in a two-year Practitioner Learning Program on Ecotourism in Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua during 2007–2008, funded by the Argidius Foundation.
As one of the fastest-developing industries in Central America, ecotourism offers many countries and rural communities the promise of economic growth and conservation. Lessons from these participants along the way provide guidance to other practitioners in building win-win value chain relationships, which are central to the success and sustainability of ecotourism projects.
Market Systems Latin America and The Caribbean English Unpublished Resources SEEP Resource Library Resources