Aug 25, 2021 | by
The Technical Advisor for Resilience (TAR) provides technical advising on resilience-related programming and proposals, represents Corus International externally in resilience and climate-related communities of practice, and provides resilience thought leadership. Internally, the TAR works in collaboration with other members of the Quality, Innovation and Learning (QuIL) team to ensure that resilience is considered throughout REAL strategy programming and incorporates best practices and innovations. The TAR manages the organization's resilience framework and its effective adoption. The TAR works principally within the Rural Economies and Agricultural Livelihoods strategy but given the cross-cutting nature of resilience will also collaborate with the Humanitarian Assistance and Health teams as appropriate.
Technical support to on-going programs:
Business Development and Learning: Advises on technical aspects of high-priority proposals with a resilience focus
Thought Leadership
Categories: Job Openings SEEP Marketplace Marketplace
1621 North Kent Street, Ste 900,
Arlington, VA, 22209
P 202.534.1400
F 703.276.1433
Website Photos: © mari matsuri