Jul 19, 2018 | by
Have you heard about market support programming but don’t quite understand what it is or how to put it into practice? The webinar will introduce participants to the Market Support Tip Sheet, a new resource that provides guidance on how to design and implement high-quality market support programming throughout the program cycle, based on practitioners’ learning to date. We’ll also hear about how this resource can be applied in the field, using examples of programming from the WaSH Cluster and post-earthquake Nepal. Although anyone interested is welcome, this webinar is especially suitable for field-facing practitioners in charge of designing, managing and evaluating emergency response programs as well as for technical advisory staff who support humanitarian field programs.
Isabelle Pelly, CaLP Technical Coordinator
Isabelle is the global technical coordinator for CaLP, the global partnership of humanitarian actors engaged in policy, practice and research within cash transfer programming. She is responsible for providing leadership and quality control across all CaLP’s technical work, including capacity building, knowledge management and research, and coordination. She also leads CaLP’s Technical Advisory Group (TAG), comprised of leading technical experts in cash transfer programming (CTP) across CaLP's membership.
Jenny Lamb, Technical Advisor – Public Health Engineering (WASH), Global Humanitarian Team at Oxfam
Jenny Lamb has more than 12 years of experience in the humanitarian sector either as a technical advisor or as part of the emergency response team with Oxfam whilst responding to cholera, conflict and natural disasters in Haiti, Nepal, Yemen, Syria, Ethiopia, Chad, Indonesia and South Sudan. She also has 5 years’ experience working for the private sector tasked with the upgrade of wastewater treatment works in NE England and New Zealand. Jenny is chair of the Global WASH Cluster Technical Working Group (TWiG) in cash and markets, which aims to promote the understanding and engagement in market based programming in WASH. She has carried out an EMMA in Lebanon, Ethiopia and Vietnam evaluating the water market system. Jenny holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from University of Newcastle, UK and is currently based in Oxford, UK with Oxfam.
Krishna Mohan, Program Manager – Recovery and Resilience at Catholic Relief Services(CRS)
Krishna Mohan is currently working with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Nepal as Program Manager (Recovery and Resilience) and is based out of Kathmandu. Krishna has 16 years’ experience in livelihoods sector and has worked in specific sub-sectors like agricultural livelihoods, microfinance, emergency response including cash transfers, value chains and agro-enterprise development. Krishna is a member of CRS agency Market Based Rapid Recovery and Response (MBRRR) community of practice and has led designing, roll out and documentation of cash transfer programs in the past both in emergency relief and recovery phases.
Emily Sloane, Emergency Markets Officer at International Rescue Committee(IRC)
Emily Sloane is an Emergency Markets Officer for IRC, and has played a critical role in the administration and governance of MiC over the past few years. At IRC, she manages activities to develop and promote tools, approaches, and dialogue linked to market analysis in the humanitarian community. Prior to joining the IRC, Emily managed and evaluated a range of cash, voucher, and agricultural programs for both Oxfam and ACF in Jordan as well as various sub- Saharan African countries. Emily is based in New York.
Dina Brick, Technical Advisor for Food Security & Markets at Catholic Relief Services(CRS)
As head of CRS’ Food Security and Markets Team, Geraldine (Dina), supports CRS programs as they prepare for and respond to emergencies through market-based approaches, including cash and voucher programs. Her support involves proposal development, technical assistance in implementation, tool development, trainings, and assessments with a focus on market-based approaches in food security. Dina has over 10 years of experience in international agriculture, environment, and food security programming. She holds a Master's degree from the Fletcher School at Tufts University. She is based in New Jersey.
Categories: Event Resilient Markets Events: Markets in Crisis Events
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