May 21, 2018 | by
The Global Savings Groups Conference is a biennial event that engages a large and diverse community of stakeholders, develops and promotes improved standards of practice, mobilizes knowledge, strengthens partnerships and alliances, and creates opportunities for cross-organizational learning. Each event in this series has also served as a catalyst to increase the scale, sustainability and impact of Savings Groups in the host country – and region. SG2015, in Zambia, was the third event in the series and engaged close to 400 participants representing 147 organizations from 44 countries.
The SEEP Network is delighted to host the SG2018: The Power of Savings Groups, in collaboration with Conference partners. SG2018 will take place in Rwanda, on May 22-24, and will offer a platform for attendees to connect, engage and learn from each other about the challenges and opportunities they face in supporting Savings Groups – including VSLAs, SHGs, indigenous savings groups, and other forms of community-based microfinance – worldwide. In this pursuit, SEEP encourages greater use of a wide range of innovative session structures and methodologies that build on emerging and accepted best practices in learning and the dissemination of innovations.
SG2018 will host Plenaries, Innovation Stations and 22 engaging Peer Learning Sessions around the four technical tracks:
Participate in one of our pre-conference Peer Exchanges for an opportunity to engage with local organizations and SG members in the field. Learn More!
Join this post-SG2018 event with technology service providers to learn about existing products and services targeted to Savings Group stakeholders. Exhibitors will include technology firms, mobile network operators, financial service providers, consulting firms, and non-governmental organizations. Targeted participants include Savings Group stakeholders that are exploring the acquisition of tools to enhance group training and monitoring, staff training and monitoring, and the delivery of complementary services to Savings Groups. Find out more!
Categories: Event Savings Groups Events
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Website Photos: © mari matsuri