Dec 31, 2007 | by Laura van Vuuren
The SEEP Network Guidelines for Microenterprise Development in HIV & AIDS-Impacted Communities: Supporting Economic Security and Health (―The SEEP Guidelines‖) present strategies for cross-sector partnership between the microenterprise development (MED) and public health communities. They are designed to help practitioners, funders, and other stakeholders stimulate a positive spiral of economic security and well-being for people and
communities affected by HIV & AIDS, reversing the current downward spiral of sickness and poverty common in HIV & AIDS impacted communities. The guidelines offer principles and strategies for an integrated response to the HIV & AIDS pandemic. They explore how to use microenterprise development to reduce poverty in the HIV & AIDS context and, as a result, to enhance positive public health outcomes. And, they explore why and how MED programs can be
effective in communities impacted by HIV & AIDS. The guidelines are most useful for planning and partnership development, rather than practical implementation. Written by experienced microenterprise development practitioners with input from public health professionals, The SEEP Guidelines speak to three audiences (some sections repeat):
The guidelines comprise:
Categories: Microenterprise Health English Unpublished Resources SEEP Resource Library Resources
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