Oct 16, 2013 | by The SEEP Network
HAMED Webinar Series Topic #2 Financing for Health Practitioners from SEEP Network on Vimeo.
The integration of health with market development provides practitioners with a substantial range of products and services that can serve the comprehensive needs of poor households. HAMED hosted a series of webinars serving as an introduction to the various strategies that market development and health practitioners are using to simultaneously meet the health and financial needs of poor households. In this second webinar of the series, speakers Nhu-An Tran of Banyan Global, Anthony Cotton, USAID Office of Development Credit Authority (DCA), and Alemtsehay Meseret Gelaw from SHOPS/Ethiopia discussed Financing for Health Practitioners.
The integration of health with market development provides practitioners with a substantial range of products and services that can serve the comprehensive needs of poor households. Banyan Global, under the USAID-funded Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) program, has been working on increasing the sustainability of private health providers as a means to expand access to health services by the general population. This webinar discussed Banyan Global's current experience in Ethiopia, where USAID has signed a DCA guarantee with two local financial institutions to expand lending to private providers of HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis services. This is the first PEPFAR-funded DCA and the program is providing some emerging lessons that can inform future Health DCAs.
You can also access recordings of other webinars in this series: Partnering to Link Health and Financial Services and Health Microinsurance.
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