Oct 4, 2018 | by
This learning event directly follows the SEEP Annual Conference (Oct. 1-3)
Time: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel, 2800 South Potomac Ave, Arlington, VA 22202
CARE’s recently completed POWER Africa project increased the financial inclusion of over 750,000 poor, food insecure individuals and their households in Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia and Côte d’Ivoire. The project was anchored around CARE’s Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) methodology and a suite of layered trainings geared toward entrepreneurship and business management. CARE worked with local organizations and government to form, train, and link Village Savings and Loan Association groups to financial service providers, mobile network operators and markets. What worked? What didn’t work? How can this learning inform current and future programs?
8:30 - 9:00 am: Continental breakfast, coffee, tea
9:00 - 9:15 am: Welcome and introduction of participants
9:15 - 9:45 am: General introduction of the POWER Africa project
9:45 - 10:00 am: High-level presentation of POWER Africa learning briefs and documents related to the following topics:
10:00 - 11:15 am: Break-out groups on different topics to share participants’ related experiences and discuss challenges encountered by POWER Africa and what they mean for future programming on different topics, for example:
11:15 - 11:45 am: Feedback across break-out groups, questions, group discussion
11:45 am - 12:00 pm: Closing remarks
12:00 pm: Networking lunch (provided by CARE)
Please join us for a networking lunch, to be followed by the Global Learning Series: Applying a Market Systems Approach to Savings Groups
Categories: Event Savings Groups Women's Economic Empowerment Events
1621 North Kent Street, Ste 900,
Arlington, VA, 22209
P 202.534.1400
F 703.276.1433
Website Photos: © mari matsuri