PCMMA of Household Water Treatment Products and Loan and Credit Services for the Poor
Apr 16, 2015 | by Oxfam
For the HWTP market system, the report recommends the following preparedness and market strengthening activities: collaboration with RHU on pre-stocking of HWTPs ahead of the typhoon season, awareness raising sessions on the availability and use of HWTPs, infrastructure support, rehabilitation of damaged water systems, supporting local traders and pharmacies to stock HWTPs in advance and mapping of actors willing to participate in a voucher scheme for HWTPs. In a future emergency, the report recommends a vouchers-for-HWTPs intervention, possibly linked with EFSVL programming. For financial services, the report recommends helping sari-sari store owners to become more resilient to shocks through better preparedness, advocacy for reduced interest rates, financial literacy training, awareness raising on the different financial services available and additional mapping of services. In a future typhoon, the report recommends supporting shopkeepers or their suppliers through cash or vouchers and supporting informal money lenders to continue offering their services to the poor and very poor.