PCMA of the Wash NFI and sanitation hardware market systems, Informing emergency response and preparedness to extreme flood events
Mar 8, 2016 | by Oxfam, USAID
In May 2016, Oxfam facilitated a Pre-Crisis Market Analysis in Gaibandha district that aimed to identify if alternatives to in-kind distributions were possible or appropriate, to build recommendations into contingency planning to improve preparedness and to mitigate the impact of regular crises. The target population was poor and ultra-poor households, which typically have seasonal income, do not own land and work as sharecroppers.
Tags: Bangladesh, assessment, cash, conditional, credit, crisis, disaster, displaced persons, emergency, humanitarian, infrastructure, labor/labour, livelihoods, market analysis, market chain, market system development, micro-finance, shelter, toolkit and guidelines, tools, unconditional, voucher, WASH, women and girls