Apr 5, 2021 | by
DevLearn's online training course shows you how to measure and use results using the DCED Standard for Results Measurement, a practical framework used by over a hundred private sector development programmes worldwide. Online training is cost-effective, interactive, and entertainingly delivered through videos, guided exercises, and group discussions.
Our course on results measurement for adaptive programmes will start from 5th of April 2021 till 30th of April 2021. Scroll down to find out more about the course, or apply by completing this registration form. If you have any questions, please email adam@devlearn.co.uk.
Development programmes working in complex environments need to understand the context they work in, monitor changes, and adapt their work accordingly. This sounds simple but is challenging in practice. What should we be measuring? What is ‘good enough’ measurement, and how do we attribute change to our programme? And – hardest of all – how do you get decision makers to change their minds?
DevLearn’s online training course answers these questions and more, using the DCED Standard for Results Measurement, a practical framework used by over a hundred programmes worldwide.
This interactive and participatory course is delivered entirely online. Participants are expected to spend approximately four days working on the course over the entire length, at times that suit you.
Just complete the registration form here. If you have any questions, please email adam@devlearn.co.uk.
If you are paying for the course as an individual, you pay the individual fee. This is £300 + 20% VAT (£360).
If an organisation is paying (or reimbursing you), you pay the organisational fee.It varies according to how many people the organisation sends on the training:
*An extra 20% VAT is applicable for UK registered organization*
*** If you register before 15th of February 2020 then you are entitled to 10% early bird discount ***
The course consists of 5 components:
Recorded lectures. You will have access to recorded lectures, which introduce the course material in an interesting, accessible way
Weekly live seminars. We run a weekly live seminar to practice what you've learned, share your experiences and learn from other participants and the facilitators.
Forum discussions. You can ask (and answer) any questions you want in the forum, and get answers from other participants and the course facilitators.
Assessments. There are two assessments, peer-assessed by other course participants and reviewed in the weekly seminars.
Expert presentations. In order to support ongoing learning, we organise online expert presentations in topics as diverse as women's economic empowerment, value for money, measuring systemic change, and using results for measurement.
The course typically takes four days to complete over the month, depending on your interest and availability. It is completely flexible (apart from the live seminars) - you can watch the lectures, participate on the forum, and do the assignments whenever you want.
You will receive a certificate upon successful completion of course.
The course has been taken by over 400 people from around 30 different countries. Participants rated the course 4/5 for satisfaction, and 4.5/5 for value for money.
Categories: Event Events: Markets in Crisis 2021 Events
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