Apr 4, 2019 | by
Please join us for a day-long learning and sharing event on the Minimum Economic Recovery Standards developed by SEEP!
Date: 4th April 2019
Location: UNHCR regional office APHRC Campus, Kitisuru off Kirawa road
Time: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
What are the MERS? The Minimum Economic Recovery Standards (MERS) are the internationally recognized standards on best practices for building economic resilience of crisis-affected communities. SEEP developed and refined MERS over a ten-year process with input from hundreds of organizations and practitioners. Launched in 2017 with funding from USAID's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, SEEP’s Mainstreaming MERS initiative is designed to increase awareness, sustained learning, and wide scale uptake of the Minimum Economic Recovery Standards by organizations working in disaster response and economic recovery.
Why use the MERS? Early recovery and resilience are crucial to reduce the economic impact of disasters and improve overall resilience.
The MERS handbook offers tools and guidance that support practitioners, multi-lateral stakeholders, local market actors, governments and donors to design, implement and evaluate economic recovery activities that build resiliency for vulnerable populations in the wake of a crisis. The third and most current edition of the MERS represents the expertise of over 90 organizations and 175 technical professionals.
There is global recognition that emergency response programming needs to be market-sensitive, and that economic recovery has to be market oriented. Learning about the MERS, practitioners working on economic recovery will be able to use consensus based standards agreed upon across organizations and establish accountability mechanisms for their programs and agencies.
Who should attend this 1 day event? UN/ INGO/ NGO/IFIs practitioners (senior leaders and technical staff) who engage in the implementation, oversight and design of economic recovery interventions. The 1 day event provide an overview of MERS standards, will take participants through the guidance book and will discuss the indicators.
Email Laura Buffoni of UNHCR to claim your spot at this event!
Categories: Past Events
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Website Photos: © mari matsuri