Jun 20, 2016 | by The Foundation for Development & Citigroup Foundation
This resource is a component of a the Microfinance and DIsaster Management training series, designed to support MFIs to prepare, respond and recover from disaster, and shocks. The Microfinance and Disaster Trainer's Manual equips DRR and MFI trainers to deliver a 45 minute course designed to to help MFIs mitigate the impact of natural disasters from an institutional and client perspective. It does this by taking a whole-of-cycle approach, discussing issues surrounding predisaster risk mitigation and disaster preparedness, the role of microfinance in emergency relief situations, and the role of microfinance in long-term economic recovery - especially livelihood restoration.
This resource is a component of a the Microfinance and DIsaster Management training series, designed to support MFIs to prepare, respond and recover from disaster, and shocks. The Microfinance and Disaster Trainer's Manual equips DRR and MFI trainers to deliver a 45 minute course designed to to help MFIs mitigate the impact of natural disasters from an institutional and client perspective. It does this by taking a whole-of-cycle approach, discussing issues surrounding predisaster risk mitigation and disaster preparedness, the role of microfinance in emergency relief situations, and the role of microfinance in long-term economic recovery - especially livelihood restoration. |
Categories: Microfinance English Unpublished Resources Disaster Risk Reduction Resources
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Website Photos: © mari matsuri