Microfinance Social Indicators in Practice: Dissecting the SIP Partners' Experience
Nov 30, 2009 | by Tom Coleman, Sabina Rogers, CGAP/Ford Foundation Social Indicators Project at the SEEP Network
This paper draws on the experiences of MFIs that participated in the multi-year CGAP/Ford Foundation Social Indicators Project (SIP) as well as other leading MFIs experimenting with social indicators. The experiences of five MFIs are highlighted in “snapshots” to tease out lessons and recommendations; the appendix expands four of these in short case studies written from the perspective of the MFI staff leading the social performance management. While many MFIs believe that social indicators are valuable, there are still questions about how to use them. MFIs that want to increase their use of social indicators and integrate an SPM system into their operations may be at any point of development. Regardless at what stage MFIs find themselves, they can benefit from the growing body of resources on how to use social indicators as well as on how to develop appropriate SPM systems to fit their organization needs, serve their mission and get social results, and ultimately benefit from the experiences of other MFIs.
Microfinance Monitoring and Evaluation Responsible Finance English Responsible Finance Resource Library Unpublished Resources SEEP Resource Library Resources