Mar 9, 2015 | by The SEEP Network
There is a growing interest among inclusive market systems development practitioners in identifying and using tools to monitor systemic change. The Leveraging Economic Opportunities (LEO) project, in collaboration with the BEAM Exchange, DCED and the SEEP Network's Market Facilitation Initiative (MaFI), is launching a new action-research project to better understand early change and deeper transformations in market systems. Building on its literature review and synthesis on approaches to measuring systemic change, the LEO project has identified a list of monitoring tools and approaches for potential testing by market systems projects.
During this webinar, the LEO team discussed the list of tools and identified which are of greatest interest to practitioners and why.
Elizabeth Dunn - Research Economist and President of Impact LLC
Dr. Elizabeth G. Dunn is a research economist specializing in market-based solutions to poverty. For 25 years, her work has focused on economic growth opportunities to benefit low-income households, with an emphasis on smallholder agriculture, micro- and small enterprises, value chains and inclusive market systems. As the technical leader for quantitative and qualitative research and evaluation studies in more than 20 countries, Dr. Dunn has worked with bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs, governments, and the private sector. Under USAID’s Leveraging Economic Opportunities (LEO) project, she directs a research and collaborative learning agenda designed to improve monitoring, evaluation and learning in interventions designed to facilitate inclusive market systems. After earning a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and serving as a faculty member in Agricultural Economics at the University of Missouri for 10 years, she founding Impact LLC in 2000.
Ben Fowler- Principal Consultant, MarketShare Associates
Ben Fowler is a Principal Consultant at MarketShare Associates (MSA), a boutique consulting firm focused on implementing and measuring innovative economic development approaches. Ben has worked on measuring and evaluating systemic change in numerous systems facilitation projects. He has written a number of papers on results measurement, including a recent literature review and synthesis of approaches to capturing systemic change for USAID and a paper that informed the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development’s revised guidance on systemic change. Ben has over 10 years of experience in economic development across 32 countries, including long-term roles in Kenya and Guatemala. He previously worked for MEDA and the Aga Khan Foundation. Ben speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Kiswahili.
Lucho Osorio - Facilitator of MaFI, The SEEP Network
Luis E. (Lucho) Osorio-Cortes is an International Markets Systems Specialist at Practical Action Consulting, UK. He has more than 15 years’ experience in international development and specializes in the facilitation of market systems development and organizational learning. Lucho also coordinates MaFI (The Market Facilitation Initiative), a SEEP-supported action and learning network that specializes in helping practitioners to become more effective facilitators of inclusive market development programs. MaFI is currently promoting learning and advocacy around changes to the international development cooperation system to make it more “facilitation-friendly” (The MaFI-festo). It also is promoting the application of complexity science in the design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of inclusive market systems development (Complexity Dialogues and Systemic M&E).
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