Feb 21, 2018 | by Sonya Salanti
The Markets in Crises Community of Practice (MiC) provides a learning space for practitioners engaging with markets in emergency and recovery contexts to discuss innovative ideas, share best practices, disseminate resources and learning tools as well as foster greater collaboration among industry actors. MiC currently houses a diverse group of over 1,700 members from 110 countries representing NGOs, donors, academia, UN agencies, and the private sector.
SEEP serves a facilitative role for the community and provides administrative and technical resources that support MiC to:
MiC’s newly formed Advisory Committee comprises 14 thought leaders from the industry working at the forefront of market systems programming in emergency and development contexts. Committee members embody diverse perspectives from the humanitarian, economic development, academic, and training sectors. The following organizations are represented on the committee: Catholic Relief Services, Chemonics, Key Aid Consulting, Habitat for Humanity, International Federation of the Red Cross, IRC, Mercy Corps, Norwegian Refugee Council, Oxfam, Springfield Center, World Vision, and the World Food Progamme. The advisory committee will provide strategic guidance and technical direction to MiC and develop a learning agenda based on the needs and priorities of members. The committee convenes on a monthly basis with Karri Byrne serving the role of Lead Facilitator for MiC.
In addition to maintaining the current list-serv discussion group, the Advisory Committee plans to host a series of webinars, curate and promote key technical resources and promote cross-linkages between technical sectors, for example highlighting resources that document shared approaches for shelter and WASH programming from a markets perspective. In order to support these activities, the SEEP Network is developing a MiC website that will feature a searchable MiC library, a calendar of MiC-related events and featured resources of interest to the community.
The MiC is a community of practice open to anyone interested in markets, crises, market development and/or emergency response. You can join the MiC online community by visiting the Markets in Crises d-group page.
Keep up with the d-group discussion and sign up for the SEEP Network newsletter at the bottom of this page for more on upcoming activities and learning resources.
Sonya Salanti is Senior Program Manager, Resilient Markets at the SEEP Network.
Categories: Economic Strengthening and Recovery Fragile and Conflict-affected Environments Market Systems Resilient Markets English Unpublished Resources Blog Published Blogs/Webinars Resilient Markets Blog Resources WebinarsBlogs
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