MERS Case Study: Using the MERS to Rapidly Identify Quality Improvements for Market Interventions in Fragile Development Contexts
Mar 19, 2019 | by The SEEP Network
In December 2018, Global Communities began the formation of a multi-country team of twelve MERS ambassadors through a SEEP-facilitated MERS training event for selected individuals from across the organization. During this training event, participants conducted an exercise wherein they used the MERS to benchmark the quality of one of their current programs. This exercise is used to aid practitioners in identifying opportunities for improvements in their programs.This case study focuses on the DREAMS project with Global Communities, and it highlights:
The application of market systems thinking and the MERS in a health project;
The application of the MERS to support program quality in a fragile development context; and
How quickly the benchmarking activity can be done using the MERS key indicators and key actions by project managers who have a basic understanding of the MERS.