Dec 17, 2014 | by Diana Dezso
Pakistan’s 70,000 Low Cost Private Schools (LCPSs) are credited with nearly all recent primary school enrollment gains across the country. While they are poised for continued growth, LCPSs need access to external financing to invest in the quality of learning and infrastructure improvements that will ensure significant, sustainable impact on the education sector. Together with other key stakeholders, the Pakistan Microfinance Network is supporting microfinance providers in the development of a sector-based lending methodology and a suite of financial products which will expand and improve access to financial services for LCPSs.
This article is the fourth in a series developed by SEEP with support from Citi Microfinance titled Spotlight on Financial Inclusion Leaders. The series profiles selected microfinance associations, showcasing the ways in which they are supporting their members and meeting the challenges of value-added growth in financial inclusion. These associations are leaders in implementing innovative and locally-responsive approaches to financial inclusion. Their work is having a clear and measured impact on the lives of their clients, and their experiences bring valuable new knowledge to the industry at large.
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