Jul 22, 2014 | by The SEEP Network
This webinar was hosted by SEEP's Strengthening the Economic Potential of the Ultra Poor (STEP UP) working group.
This second webinar in the "Towards Resilient Livelihoods for Very Poor Households" series presented learnings from Nobo Jibon, a USAID funded Title - II Multi Year Assistance Program (MYAP) implemented by Save the Children. The program is designed to reduce food insecurity of the most vulnerable households and communities in the disaster prone Barisal Division of Southern Bangladesh. The project takes a multi-sectoral approach and works across multiple beneficiary segments with targeted interventions that are aimed to address the vulnerability of the poorest households while facilitating a path to improved resilience, income and nutritional outcomes with a combination of push-pull approaches. The webinar discussed lessons learned from four years of programming: both successes and challenges as well as ongoing efforts related to ensuring sustainability and continued progress of gains achieved during the project life.
Bakaul Islam - Livelihoods Technical Advisor for Nobo Jibon, Bangladesh
Malini Tolat - Advisor for Asia Livelihoods, Save the Children
Jan Maes - Facilitator, SEEP STEP UP working group
The "Towards Resilient Livelihoods for Very Poor Households" series focuses on recent examples from field practice that focus on "push" strategies targeting very vulnerable populations and helping them build a minimum level of assets for eventual engagement in markets. At the same time, in each webinar we examine whether existing markets or "pull" strategies provide viable opportunities for these populations.
Categories: Economic Strengthening and Recovery Food Security Livelihoods Financial Inclusion Financial Security Rural and Agricultural Finance Agriculture & Food Security English Unpublished Resources Published Blogs/Webinars Webinar Agriculture & Food Security Webinar Resources WebinarsBlogs
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