Jan 30, 2018 | by Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion, CBM, HelpAge International
The Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities are designed to help address the gap in understanding the needs, capacities and rights of older people and people with disabilities, and promote their inclusion in humanitarian action.
They are designed both to strengthen the accountability of humanitarian actors to older people and people with disabilities, and to support the participation of older people and people with disabilities in humanitarian action. The standards can be used as guidance for programming, and as a resource for training and advocacy, particularly for influencing organisational policies and practice to be more inclusive.
The sector inclusion standards are structured around three key areas of inclusion:
The sector-specific inclusion standards are intended to be used in conjunction with the Key inclusion standards.
Tags: assessment, case study, cash, crisis, disaster, emergency, employment, gender, guidance, humanitarian, internally displaced person/people livelihoods, refugee/migrant, shelter, standards, tools
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