Oct 9, 2013 | by The SEEP Network
HAMED Webinar Series Topic #1 Health Microinsurance
The integration of health with market development provides practitioners with a substantial range of products and services that can serve the comprehensive needs of poor households. HAMED hosted a series of webinars serving as an introduction to the various strategies that market development and health practitioners are using to simultaneously meet the health and financial needs of poor households. In this first webinar of the series , speakers Jeanna Holtz from the ILO's Microinsurance Innovation Facility, Barbara Magnoni from EA Consultants, and Jana Smith from ProMujer discussed Health Microinsurance.
Health emergencies are among the most commonly cited risks that people are most concerned about. Households want to be able to afford decent health care without being impoverished in the process. This webinar covered the experiences-to-date of providing health microinsurance and other health financing mechanisms to help households cover preventive and curative healthcare. It covered not only experiences of increasing access to products that help manage risks associated with seeking healthcare, but also the experiences of improving the quality of the products to ensure they cover the risks that concern people the most.
You can also access recordings of other webinars in this series: Partnering to Link Health and Financial Services and Promoting Sustainability of Health Markets: Financing Private Health Providers in Ethiopia.
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