Guidelines and Experiences for Including Youth in Market Assessments for Stronger Youth Workforce Development Programs
Oct 31, 2009 | by Melanie Beauvy-Sany, Sita Conklin
The goal of this learning product is to help the reader better understand how to strengthen market assessments for youth workforce development programs. It considers issues, such as institutional capacity, local context, appropriate tools and approaches, and including youth in these assessments. The learning product is based on the experiences of three organizations, Education Development Center (EDC), Save the Children, and the International Rescue Committee (IRC), that conducted market assessments to develop and maintain market-driven youth workforce development programs. (See the annex for project descriptions and a summary of each organization’s assessments.) It shares the benefits and challenges of different approaches to market assessment and provides lessons learned and recommendations.
Financial Inclusion Youth and Children English Unpublished Resources SEEP Resource Library Resources