Nov 3, 2014 | by Shelah Bloom, ScD; Jessica Levy, PhD; Nidal Karim, PhD; Leigh Stefanik, MALD; Mary Kincaid, DrPH; Doris Bartel, MSC; Katie Grimes, MPH
This document aims to address the increasing demand for clear guidance on how to practically and ethically monitor and mitigate gender-based violence (GBV) within non-emergency, international development programming, in which GBV is not a specific programmatic component. Specifically, it draws on existing GBV-related guidance, as well as input from a group of experts, to provide recommendations for preventing and/or responding to unintentional risk, threat, or violence against individuals related to programmatic interventions. These recommendations describe ways to take stock of the programmatic environment with regard to GBV in general, as well as targeted suggestions on how to track GBV related incidents and issues throughout the program cycle.
Providing GBV-related support and services is a logical extension of many women’s health services and humanitarian programs, because providers in both of these sectors deal with the immediate consequences of GBV. However, the relationship between GBV and programmatic streams in other sectors is less direct as most sectoral staff are not individual health service providers and do not have specific training around GBV monitoring and mitigation.
However, in light of the emergent nature of gender integration and the needed attention to GBV in all sectors, practical guidance on GBV monitoring and mitigation is needed even for sectoral programs that do not have a GBV focus or programmatic stream.
This guidance is designed for program staff who lead the design and implementation of programs in the sectors of agriculture and food security, economic empowerment, nutrition, and education. We assume that these programs do not have GBV as a primary or exclusive focus: GBV may arise as an issue in the course of implementing program interventions, but it is not an explicit component of the program with funding and indicators attached to it from the outset.
A practical set of guidance that takes you through integrating GBV monitoring in all kinds of programming, from program design through implementation, organizational policies, and monitoring.
Categories: Monitoring and Evaluation Women and Girls Health Women's Economic Empowerment Women's Economic Empowerment Resource Library English Unpublished Resources Migrated WEE Resources Resources
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