Sep 25, 2018 | by
Making Cents International's Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit is a global convening that brings together 500+ leading stakeholders from 55 countries to connect, exchange, and collaborate. Now in its 12th year, the Summit is the largest convening of its kind in North America for the youth economic opportunities community.
Decision makers come to the Summit to increase the impact, scale and sustainability of their youth economic opportunities programming, policies, and partnerships. The agenda attracts leading experts who are working to advance social and economic well-being of young people.
Participants strengthen partnerships, improve technical capacity, and expand awareness of current and emerging approaches in youth development. Learn more about who attends.
The 2017 Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit theme explored what the future of work holds for young people in developing contexts and for professionals working to expand youth economic opportunities globally in a changing world of work.
The 2017 theme is supported by a strategic learning agenda organized around four, inter-connected Summit technical tracks: 1) Building a Foundation; 2) Ready for the Global Workforce; 3) Livelihoods Through Self-Employment; 4) Global Context Matters.
Cross-cutting topics addressed across technical tracks are Gender; Conflict; Technology; Financial Inclusion; Agriculture & Rural Development; and Monitoring, Evaluation, Research & Learning (MERL). Learn more about the Summit theme, tracks, and cross-cutting topics.
Summit sponsors enjoy high-level exposure to a global audience of more than 500 stakeholders. We welcome an opportunity to customize a partnership package to meet your strategic priorities. Learn more.
Categories: Event Youth and Children Women's Economic Empowerment Events
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Website Photos: © mari matsuri