Jun 15, 2020 | by Sara Seavey & Yasmin Ta'ba (MEDA)
MEDA piloted Gender Progress Markers (GPM) in Jordan to measure women’s economic empowerment. GPM are a set of statements, describing a progression of changed behaviors for a target group of people, that monitor and measure the project’s strategy for women’s economic empowerment. This manual follows a technical brief developed in June 2019 and is meant to be a resource of information and guidance for MEDA and external organizations on:
How to use gender progress markers (GPM) within a gender strategy.
How to monitor projects to ensure inclusive programming.
How to evaluate a project’s progress toward gender and behaviour change.
Fragile and Conflict-affected Environments MENA Women and Girls Women's Economic Empowerment Women's Economic Empowerment Resource Library English 2020 Resources