May 29, 2019 | by
Globally, 2 billion people remain unbanked and women lag behind men in terms of access to formal accounts, credit and savings products. 80% of women-owned small businesses have unmet credit needs, resulting in a credit gap of up to $320 billion. Closing the gender gap in financial inclusion could help reduce poverty and foster economic growth worldwide. FinEquity is a global community of practice to advance women's financial inclusion.
Join us for the FinEquity Spring Member Meeting in Istanbul on May 29, 2019 to share and learn about innovations in women’s financial inclusion, social norms, data measurement frameworks and more. This is your opportunity to learn from your peers and help shape the strategic direction of the FinEquity community.
The FinEquity meeting will be part of the Microfinance Center’s pre conference events. FinEquity members who are interested in attending the 2019 MFC Conference can attend the conference at a discounted rate. You will receive a 25% discount code after you register for the FinEquity Spring Member Meeting.
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