Oct 19, 2021 | by
Making Cents International is recruiting for an Evaluation Team Leader for a USAID-funded impact evaluation (IE) of the Serbia Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Activity. The SME Activity is currently being competed and the impact evaluation is expected to follow the Activity from its inception throughout its implementation. Design and implementation of the IE will be closely coordinated with USAID/Serbia and the Activity implementing partner.
This position is contingent upon winning a contract award.
The Evaluation Team Leader is responsible for the overall management of the impact evaluation and provides overall technical leadership support for the IE, with guidance from the Principal Investigator as needed. The Team Lead is the primary liaison with USAID/ Serbia. The Evaluation Team Leader will:
Categories: Job Openings SEEP Marketplace 2021 Marketplace
1621 North Kent Street, Ste 900,
Arlington, VA, 22209
P 202.534.1400
F 703.276.1433
Website Photos: © mari matsuri