May 22, 2015 | by Mercy Corps
In December 2013, the political fall-out between the president of South Sudan and his former vice president led to a gradual escalation of violence with wide ranging implications: the displacement of populations and their livestock, the disruption of agricultural production and the obstruction of trade routes and markets. These problems were further compounded by the severe impacts of a ban on trade between South Sudan and Sudan and by the seasonal flooding that occurred in 2014. This EMMA study examined the sorghum and livestock off-take market systems in Abiemnhom County, Unity State, approximately a year after the start of the conflict. It finds that the sorghum, cattle and shoats market system were functional, although there were significant disruptions, inefficiencies and bottlenecks. Short-term recommendations include supporting household purchasing power through food vouchers and unconditional cash transfers, as well as targeted support to businesses to reduce the risk of inflation.
Tags: assessment, cash, crisis, displaced persons, economic inclusion, emergency, financial services, fragile and conflict-affected environments/settings, gender, humanitarian, informal economy/sector, infrastructure, labor/labour, livelihoods, market analysis, market system development, private sector, tools, traders
Categories: Resources: Markets in Crisis
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