Jun 3, 2019 | by
This course is a general introduction to the use of digital payments in humanitarian aid. We focus on the mechanics of digital humanitarian cash transfers from the perspective of those distributing cash (humanitarian agencies) as well as those receiving it (beneficiaries). We also explore the benefits of digitized aid and the reality: that many programs are limited by the extreme conditions in which they operate. Along this journey, we pull from best practice in both the humanitarian and private sectors; counter popular assumptions; and ground recommendations with voices from humanitarian implementers, private sector partners, and the beneficiaries we want to serve.
This course is intended for humanitarians (donors, advisors, and implementers), but may also be of interest to payments professionals. Humanitarians may be excited to learn how best to evaluate digital payment options, and design and manage digital cash transfer programs for greater impact. Payments professionals may want to better understand their humanitarian clients or may be exploring expansion into this growing field. We invite people who feel passionate about the link between technology and financial inclusion – as well as those who are skeptical about the extent to which technology can solve humanitarian issues – to find out more and join in our discussions.
Students coming out of the course should have a basic understanding of digital payment options and potential benefits; the regulatory environment that governs digital humanitarian cash; and the common pitfalls and potential of different delivery mechanisms. Students should feel prepared to grapple with design and implementation issues, including data protection, inclusive programming, partner negotiations, and contracting. Students should also feel confident in forming their own opinions on the appropriate use of technology in these emerging markets.
Application Deadline: May 27, 2019
Start Date: June 3, 2019
Categories: Past Events
1621 North Kent Street, Ste 900,
Arlington, VA, 22209
P 202.534.1400
F 703.276.1433
Website Photos: © mari matsuri