Deconstructing the Gendered Causes of Malnutrition
Jun 3, 2019 | by
Vancouver Convention Centre, Room 211
Women and girls face unique challenges to attaining good health and nutrition. What are we doing to challenge these, and what can we do better? Join World Vision and partners at this Women Deliver side event as we deconstruct the barriers and build a better approach to integrating gender equality and nutrition.
Following a panel discussion by leaders in nutrition policy, delivery, and financing, participants will engage in facilitated sessions to identify gaps and develop recommendations for advancing our work at the intersection of nutrition and gender equality.
Welcome: Dan Irvine, Senior Director of Sustainable Health, World Vision International
Moderator: Mavis Owusu-Gyamfi, Director of Investments, The Power of Nutrition
Frances Mason, Senior Nutrition Adviser, Save the Children UK
Marion Roche, Senior Technical Advisor, Nutrition International
Lauren Landis, Director of Nutrition, World Food Programme
Abena Thomas, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, ENRICH, World Vision Canada