With crises plaguing the DRC for the last 25 years, the aid industry has become a key player in the Congolese economy and an attractive market segment for businesses.
This is particularly the case in regions of protracted crises, such as the Kivus in the east of the DRC, where relief and recovery efforts have become some of the principal drivers of the economy, shifting and shaping the market systems along the way. The affected markets have adapted to the demands of the aid industry, which is characterized by a need for rapid response at minimum cost and which has defined and finite project timelines. Whilst progress has been made by the humanitarian community to consider market dynamics in their activities and to limit market distortion, more effort is needed to escape the state of protracted crisis and rebuild independent and functioning markets.
To that end, the Market Systems Development (MSD) approach can provide valuable lessons on how to sustainably rebuild the market and contribute the region’s stability.