Sep 19, 2019 | by
SEEP Members in good standing benefit from a 30% discount. Log in to the Member Space to retrieve your discount code. Non-members applying through the SEEP website receive a 5% discount with the code SEEPDFI15. Apply for the course by September 19.
Digital Identity Course Overview
This course looks at the broad landscape of digital ID, covering the main reference schemes such as Aadhaar, eEstonia, BankID & Mobile Connect. We explore the importance and different forms of ID, what they are and what they mean for financial services. We focus on how it is affected by global developments, understanding SDGs and financial inclusion issues and explore the impact of digital evolution gaining insight into trust frameworks. The course provides an understanding of ID approaches zooming in on how the roles of authority and use cases varies. We unpack categories of digital ID schemes and extract insights from eID examples from the developing world. The course exposes you to the rapidly emerging category of private ID providers, new models and business cases. And finally, it provides an understanding on the development of a digital identity strategy and the different environments affecting it.
Why Do I Need a Digital Identity Management Course?
This course is designed to meet the knowledge and competency needs of digital finance professionals who are not (yet) experts in the field of digital ID, but who wish to get a comprehensive grounding in the field. It is preferred that students attending this course have an undergraduate degree and/or two years’ relevant work experience. This course integrates well with AML-CFT course in regulatory stream and extreme inclusion courses under customers and products.
On completing the course, students will be able to understand the core language and concepts of the emerging field of digital identity technology, describe and compare both public and private leading models of digital ID provision, assess a scheme against the principles and emerging standards for digital ID and interrogate an ID provider to understand their proposition better.
Important Information
Categories: Event 2019 Events
1621 North Kent Street, Ste 900,
Arlington, VA, 22209
P 202.534.1400
F 703.276.1433
Website Photos: © mari matsuri