Aug 5, 2021 | by
This call is open to individual African organizations (organizations with independent legal registration in an African country) or consortia of up to three organizations. The applicant organization/lead institution must have legal corporate registration and the capacity to administer foreign funds.
Proposals from consortia must name one lead organization that can subgrant to additional organizations. The lead organization must be a Southern organization with independent legal registration in an African country. Other consortium members may include organizations from within the region; national, regional, or international offices of multilateral organizations or international NGOs; or other organizations from outside the region.
This call is NOT open to individuals, governments, or organizations interested in using this grant to conduct research on the for-profit provision of core education services.
The IDRC, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the LEGO Foundation invite proposals from individual organizations, or consortia of organizations, for projects to generate and mobilize knowledge to enable national education systems in developing countries to address challenges associated with two targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These are targets 4.1 (“By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes") and 4.2 (“By 2030, ensure that all boys and girls have access to early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education”).
Projects funded through this call will generate and mobilize evidence on how to adapt and scale up approaches that strengthen quality early learning for all children, supporting smooth transitions from pre-primary to primary education.
Projects will build on existing promising or proven approaches that:
Projects funded through this call will not finance the implementation of the approaches
Please refer to the detailed call for proposals for more information about the call objectives, eligibility, timelines, selection criteria, review process, application guidelines, and challenge.
You are strongly encouraged to read the detailed call for proposals document before applying.
Please e-mail your questions to or consult the Frequently Asked Questions.
Proposals are due August 23, 2021.
Categories: Announcements SEEP Marketplace 2021 Marketplace
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Website Photos: © mari matsuri