Jan 10, 2016 | by The SEEP Network
The U.S. Global Development Lab at USAID is making investments to advance inclusive digital infrastructure that allows for safe, affordable, and relevant financial services for the poor. The recent 2015 Financial Inclusion Forum, led by USAID and US Treasury, reaffirmed the signifiance of these investments, and the importance of capturing and sharing lessons learned and best practice.
Building on outcomes of the 2015 Financial Inclusion Forum, USAID, through its partnership with Mobile Solutions Technical Assistance and Research (mSTAR), is collecting recent learnings and approaches by USAID implementing partners that promote or utilize digital financial services to accelerate development outcomes.
Submissions (500 words or less) are requested by February 15, 2016.
USAID, in partnership with mSTAR, expects engagement with practitioners to be iterative process, with any final feedback and next steps (as relevant) communicated no later than April 2016. Please contact Shailee Adinolfi with any questions: sadinolfi@fhi360.org.
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