Feb 28, 2003 | by Alexandra Miehlbradt
Recognizing the limited experience to date in conducting market assessments (MAs) for business development services (BDS) programs and using the results to design better interventions, the SEEP Practitioner Learning Program (PLP), through its action research program in BDS market assessment, is working with 10 organizations over two years (2002–2004) to test effective models for conducting market assessments of BDS markets for microenterprises.
The PLP in BDS Market Assessment focuses on generating, communicating, and leveraging the results and lessons from the 10 organizations’ work to benefit the industry as a whole. We engage the organizations in a collaborative learning process to document and share findings and help identify effective, replicable practices and innovations. As the participants implement their activities, the PLP—through joint meetings, peer exchanges, and virtual information sharing—provides a forum for asking questions, challenging assumptions, and learning from peers.
This discussion synthesis, Building a Team for BDS Market Assessment and Key Issues to Consider When Starting BDS Market Assessment, is the product of the collaborative, learning-oriented forum the PLP provides—in this case, an e-mail-based discussion in October and November 2002.
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