Nov 18, 2019 | by Hiba Tibi & Anan Kittaneh (CARE)
This detailed learning and reflection product is intended to provide practical learning and present selected existing tools being applied by CARE Country Offices (COs) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to bring gender equality closer to WEE and livelihood programming. It is also highly relevant for all practitioners working on economic empowerment and livelihood porgramming in fragile settings anywhere in the world. This prodcut can aid a better understanding of gender equality (and transformative) concepts by livelihood programming staff, as well as better understanding of the principles of sound economic empowerment by gender staff. This deatiled learning and reflection product contains many practical insights and allows practitioners to understand how theory and frameworks can have an impact on the actual programming and results on the ground. The Hub encourages teams and practitioners to use this products and the different overviews and examples provided, to reflect on their own work on gender integration, and to take steps to move beyond gender responsive programming towards a truly transformative approach for those impacted through addressing root causes behind existing gender inequalities in WEE programs.
Categories: Global Women and Girls Women's Economic Empowerment Women's Economic Empowerment Resource Library English 2019 Resources
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