Jun 3, 2019 | by
Grameen Foundation is pleased to be hosting a Women Deliver Side Event on June 3, 9-11am: Better Together: Solidarity Groups to Improve Women and Girls' Well-being. Join speakers from RESULTS Canada, Grameen Foundation, and the ACTION Global Health Advocacy Partnership to learn about cross-sectoral programming that improves the welfare of women and their households and drives demand for your service.
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals rests on ensuring that the interests of women and girls are central to community development. For over a decade Grameen Foundation and RESULTS Educational Fund have worked with women's solidarity groups to strengthen connections across financial and other sectors: from health and nutrition to agriculture and women’s rights. We have found that designing a holistic package of products (including financial tools, behavior change communication, and linkages with healthcare and other service providers) improves the welfare of women and their households and drives demand for services. Join us for facilitated conversations to explore partnerships via “speed dating” between those who generate demand and those who can supply their needs.
Featuring speakers from RESULTS Canada, Grameen Foundation, and the ACTION Global Health Advocacy Partnership.
When: June 3, 9–11am
Where: Women Deliver 2019 Conference, Vancouver Convention Centre, Room 213, Level 2
Categories: Event Past Events Events
1621 North Kent Street, Ste 900,
Arlington, VA, 22209
P 202.534.1400
F 703.276.1433
Website Photos: © mari matsuri