Oct 5, 2021 | by
Join the Pakistan Microfinance Network on October 5-7 for their Annual Microfinance Conference.
The primary objective of this conference to initiate a dialogue for concerted efforts among all relevant stakeholders, to identify the possible bottlenecks that exist in the industry that can possibly hinder the financial inclusion process and propose ideas to overcome it.
Another purpose of this event is to provide a platform to all stakeholders such as microfinance providers, financial service providers involved in financial inclusion (like banks, digital financial service providers, FinTechs and insurance companies), donor agencies, policy makers, regulators, development agencies and government authorities and discuss the ways to broaden the horizons of the microfinance industry.
Additionally, another objective of the conference is to create space for presentation of current results amidst the Global Health Crisis caused due to COVID-19 in the financial inclusion ecosystem and its impact on social and regional policy. The conference is also a space for creating collaborative links between Financial Service Providers, Investors/Donors, Multi-lateral companies, and all other relevant stakeholders, aiming at long-term sharing of knowledge and discussions of highly current issues.
Categories: Event 2021 Events
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Arlington, VA, 22209
P 202.534.1400
F 703.276.1433
Website Photos: © mari matsuri